Return to EverQuest
Best friends discuss and play the classic game of EverQuest. Each episode we discuss what our current characters are doing in the classic zones of EverQuest, the lore of those zones, and reminisce on our past play experiences with EverQuest.
Return to EverQuest
Special - Interview with Yueyenie discussing PvP, killing the Sleeper, and more!
Anthony Joyce
Season 1
Episode 17
Anthony, Derek, and Carlos interview Yueyenie, the Guild Leader of Ascending Dawn, the #1 PvP Guild on the Zek server. They discuss what it is like playing on a PvP server, Yueyenie's first-hand account of killing the Sleeper on Zek, and much more!
Ascending Dawn Guild Site: https://ascending-dawn.com/
Ascending Dawn vs. Pandemonium Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPLP9zUTVro