Return to EverQuest
Best friends discuss and play the classic game of EverQuest. Each episode we discuss what our current characters are doing in the classic zones of EverQuest, the lore of those zones, and reminisce on our past play experiences with EverQuest.
Return to EverQuest
Regicidal Gnomes Kill the Kobold King!
Anthony Joyce
Season 1
Episode 4
Anthony, Derek, and Carlos discuss their adventures to Odus and the Warrens to kill the Kobold King and hunt the legendary Muglwump! Things don't go according to plan and chaos ensues! Innkeep Redthorn details the lore of the Kolbok Kobolds in the Warrens and Meldrath the Malignant invites you to join Malignant Enterprises to help them stop the pesky Gnome Crew!